KUNDALINI BALANCE - in depth online intensive program for women promoting our capacity to dwell within the center, in our core values, in the midst of external chaos, capable and strong, as noble spirits in human forms, holding torches of Light to remember, deliver, and fulfil our mission on Planet Earth, as Light-Workers do. Transmuting fear to courage, doubts to gut knowing, faint voice of the heart to strong calling, and isolation into celebration. Let the viral mutations inspire us to do just that: new forms of evolutionary renaissance much needed and long awaited, from the inside out. We are the ones we have been waiting for. JUST DO IT! Send me your YES for this aim to co-create the time, space, and nourishing conditions to make it happen. Proposed start-up date is 9/9/2021, for 9 weeks, for $900. Look up my last offering, Kundalini Incubator 2021 below, to get the idea and basic outline: Read the testimonials about this rich, deeply healing and transformative program HERE.
a hatchery for Self-Mastery within Great Mystery Beyond therapy, yoga and transformation
11 brilliant women ready
to conceive - achieve - believe
of Kundalini Yoga, Pranic, Shamanic and Quantum techniques
we shall start a new chapter of self-initiation and continual growth.
This Circle of TRUST can serve you as a cozy, potent and nourishing incubating environment for the greatest GIFT of INNER STABILITY and STRENGTH, despite outer chaos. I feel it inside ME, and sincerely wish to amplify and multiply this felt sense of inner peace, trust, grounding, gratitude, and celebration of the Times in active co-creation with YOU!
How does it look in a practical sense?
On 01-21-2021 we will form a sacred geometry - a circle of participants in the quantum field with initial ceremony and meditation practice.
Every week there will be LIVE streaming (replay available) Kundalini Capsule practice. That is energetic initiation for that particular week via ZOOM Portal, where you will be practicing Kundalini Yoga just like at a yoga class, only enriched and complemented with more than that.
After a few days we will follow up with interractive ZOOM meeting circle, which is a great medicine by itself. Laser coaching, sharing, mirroring, and co-creating within this Circle of TRUST.
There will be a virtual KUNDALINI INCUBATOR circle on SUTRA portal, where videos, audios, kriyas, meditations, practices, and other materials will be posted and accessible. There will be a sharing forum, where you can actively participate or just peek in when you feel like.
Each week you will have "a sister", who will hold a mirror for you and you will mutually keep each other on track, accountable, responsible, available, visible, actively growing and evolving.
I will be your partner-sister for one week and offer coaching and mentorship in any way you may need or welcome.
Set of shared values and mutual agreement of confidentiality shall assure our safe container and comfortable space to be heard, seen, appreciated and celebrated exactly as you already are.
This circle is not for everyone, and if it sparks your interest, I will welcome your application with a few words about you, your intention, and the outcome you would like to see at the end of this journey together.
Claim your spot now at janaziman@shaw.ca
Start date: 01-21-2021
Investment of $1,111 available for instalments/ or a wish list for Santa?
Why is this program affordable and of a great value?
One therapy/coaching/private session costs you $185. In this format you will receive two group sessions per week, audio recordings, many handouts and creative materials, and one week of personal coaching/mentoring with me for slightly over $100.
Why would you choose me as your guide for this journey?
If you have already experienced my style of work, you may attest that I am blessed with a gift of holding a strong container for transformational work and rebirthing. My commitment, determination, self-discipline, focus, and devotion to the path is a part of my true nature. I walk my talk for over 20 years and apply it on self-healing and sustaining growth through many different approaches and traditions. The supernatural comes as natural to me. The invisible and visible threads of parallel realities connect in my consciousness easily and spontaneously. I am curious, adventurous, playful, and ready to embrace any challenge from the place of inner peace, and acceptance of our differences. I welcome the Great Mystery, the Unknown, from a humble place of reverence and ready-to-serve presence, with as much integrity, stability, and flexibility as I am capable of in my own perfect imperfection. Holding the paradox of this dual world remains a challenge for all of us. Therefore, this circle is not about my leadership, wisdom, or coaching skills. IT IS ABOUT ALL OF US AS EQUALS FORMING THIS SACRED CIRCLE of LIGHT. Because to truly become ME happens within a tribe, where the others hold a mirror for my gifts and shadows in a loving manner. Then I can begin to appreciate MYSELF for WHAT I AM. There is enough of ME within ME, and if you are looking for YOU within YOU, my perception of circles of TRUST can serve you as a cozy, potent and nourishing incubating environment for giving a birth to your higher template.
Personal reset 2020 continues with the Planetary Reset Time is Now: December 20-2020
Motto: Turn off your
An invitation to LIVE STREAMING KUNDALINI CAPSULE invigorating your inner senses via breath, kriya, mantra, meditation, kundalini activation and GENERATING LIGHT IN CELEBRATION OF SOLSTICE 2020.
Prepare as you would for a regular yoga class: create space for sitting, standing, or lying position. Dim your lights, have your water handy, and observe the Protocol for Kundalini Yoga practice. You can opt out from the video, so you will not show up on the screen for other participants. Choose “speaker view” on your upper right side of the Zoom screen, so that you can see me clearly.
If you cannot participate at the given time, I can send you a link for a REPLAY after the live event, which you will be able to use whenever you wish in the format of Youtube video.
TIME: 120 minutes of re-visiting and reflecting on the initial intention for this year from January 2020 and supporting planetary sangat in the Final RESET of 2020
In this virtual space and in a subtle way, we will still nourish our community connection, and mutuality in growing awareness, “riding the same wave in the quantum field”.
HOW: A Protocol for Kundalini Yoga applies for your safe and effective participation. If you share an enclosed link with others in your network, make sure they follow and understand the Protocol, as this practice has a powerful energetic impact and can have unpredictable effects, if done under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or with severe health issues. If done LIVE in the evening, prepare to continue in a dream state of being and go directly to bed, or enjoy a salt bath and self-pampering after. If done as a REPLAY, leave some open space to be just with yourself and have some rest at home or outside in nature.
WHY: Meeting the Times with courage, curiosity, and co-creation. This is my contribution to the community and the Collective in service from a sense of LOVE, belonging, and genuine care. Here is also a quick sampler, in the form of Youtube video, which can be used anytime as a warm up, or an energetic centering and grounding: Kundalini sampler
Point of entry: your curiosity and a call to self-actualize
Point of departure: fulfilled, restored, relaxed, enriched, and empowered
Contribution: by donation to balance an energy exchange. I honour the hardship of times for many, and if you are unable to contribute financially, please, shine and contribute to the Collective by your own personal LIGHT and LOVING KINDNESS. If you are in position to provide, then a suggested donation of $20 by e-transfer to janaziman@shaw.ca will be gratefully accepted.
Registration: not necessary as the link and event access is provided freely. However, if you choose to do the practice later, then I need to hear from you with your request for a new link.
VIDEO LINK for a replay from Friday Nov 20, 2020:
In gratitude, excitement and joy, Jana Ziman/GBK/MODRANA CO-CREATION
TESTIMONIAL: I attended The Kundalini Personal Reset yoga workshop last Saturday at Bethlehem Retreat Centre. What a wonder- filled day, in so many ways! I knew Jana as a teacher, so I already honoured her amazing energy and teaching. I have been feeling deeply affected by the happenings in the world of late, and realized I would benefit from a reset, a day of practice, and Jana’s dedicated energy. I signed up. Better than I had even planned for, we harmoniously practiced, shared, chanted, learned, danced, walked and revitalized. The food at Bethlehem was so remarkable, we all commented and fully enjoyed. The circle of practitioners was delightful, some even surprising themselves. They ranged from 19-93: all fully engaged. I went home and registered for the upcoming weekend of practice with Jana. Please register now, so I will get to practice next weekend with Jana, again. I know I will benefit, and I feel confident you will. I bow, Maggy MacDonald, grateful yoga practitioner
When: Saturday January 11, 2020
“Just imagine a world in which people act from their intuition and consciousness
This dynamic group work delivers deep insight into your habitual patterns. When you become aware, the path of
For scheduled events, please, click here.
www.kundaliniyogahealing.com |