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"Deep within every life, no matter how dull or ineffectual it may seem from the outside, there is something eternal happening. This is the secret way that change and possibility conspire with growth... Possibility and change become growth within the shape of time that we call a day."

John O'Donohue: Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom (1997)

To approach every day through implementation of our essential values is the key to fulfilled life. Our body, mind, heart and soul don't care about excuses that we are too busy and there is no time today, but perhaps tomorrow.

Daily spiritual practice, sadhana, is a basic requirement on the path of Kundalini Yoga Aquarian Sadhana recommended by Yogi Bhajan as a way how to go through difficult times of transition takes about 2,5 hours. Not many householders can comply with that. However, five minutes is more than nothing. There are kriyas and meditations, which have potential to raise your consciousness in three minutes. Can you find a time to attune with Adi Mantra and do 3-minute long exercise? If yes, you have a commitment, which is the first step on the way to happiness as described by Yogi Bhajan. He taught to his students that commitment builds you character, character gives you a dignity, which in turn creates divinity and divinity gives you a grace. Grace gives you the power to sacrifice. When you can stand any pain for the others that gives you a happiness.

This suggests that we need to stand up for ourselves at first, so we can be firmly established in  the body, mind, heart and soul. Then we can stand up for the others. That power can be gained a little by little. If you commit to do a daily practice, in any form or length, you may see after 15 days what it is about and how you feel. In general it takes 40 consecutive days to break an old pattern or habit. If you continue with sadhana and reach 90 days, your new pattern should be already established. If you persevere and reach 120 consecutive days of the same sadhana practice, you ARE your new pattern or habit.

Before starting your personal practice make sure you understand the technique well. For the best result consult directly your teacher.

                                                        Keep up and you will be kept!