Home / Transpersonal Psychology / My mission and goals



My practice is a way of the Heart

The most generous and safe space

Where people of many walks

May rest and let go.


My practice invites you

To heal wounds and gain the strength

For looking into your own eyes

And admit

How mighty and powerful you are

When fully allowing your spirit to shine.

My practice

Holds the space

For your Inner Teacher

In giving you the access

To your innate wisdom.

My practice

Allies with your Inner Warrior

In liberation from old constrictive patterns

Which in service to your safety

Imprisoned vitality, joy and passion for living.


My practice

Directs you to your Inner Healer

Resourcing with unmistakable accuracy

In the intelligence of your physical body

Where all is written.

My practice

Recognizes your Inner Creator

The master of integrity and wholeness

 Unifying your body, mind, heart and soul

In delicate alignment of your Self.

My practice is a celebration

Of your past, present and future

On sharing grounds of the sacred circle

Where we recognize inclusiveness of Being

And variability of Truth.

My practice is a realization of my dreams

Which serves you as confirmation

To tend and follow your own.






Integrative Body Psychotherapy

(attending to the past and present)

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation

(attending to the present)

Transformational Life Coaching

(attending to the present and future)

Spiritual Psychology

(serving as a resource for in depth group and individual work informed by world wisdom psychologies)

Water therapy

(using ancient practices and rituals for purification

in chemical free spa environment)

Healing Arts

(tapping into hidden resources with clay-works, painting,

dancing, drumming, and playing)










Tel: (250) 716-6753 Email: jana@modranacocreation.com